Munich HiEnd show 2019

“One of the more visually arresting systems that still sounded remarkably lifelike (that is not always the case, dear readers), came at the synergistic interaction of Serbia’s Trafomatic Audio electronics, Romania’s Rockna Audio sources, and Greece’s TuneAudio speakers, using a full loom of the Norwegian Skogrand cables”

Greg Weaver at EnjoyTheMusic


“The most “musical” system in this year’s show? You bet.”

Panagiotis Karavitis at Part-Time Audiophile


“This was my favorite of my three favorite large rooms at the show”

Mike & Cornelia at Audio Federation


“The big horns were pushed along nicely by Trafomatic amps and the unmistakable Skogrand cables hooked everything up wonderfully.”

Jay Garrett at Stereonet UK


“Some speakers stand out because of their special appearance. They are beautiful (which of course is in the eye of the beholder), that they do not have to make any sound to have their right to exist. You can also simply accept them as objects – arts. Such a candidate is Tune Audio. The nice thing about Tune Audio is that the speakers also sound wonderful. A big, wide, highly relaxed sound with a high degree of naturalness.”

Ingo Schulz at Fidelity


Amongst the best systems of the show

Panagiotis Karavitis at Part-Time Audiophile


“I must say it turned out probably the most “do not horn” sound. Cheerfully and with a good intelligibility of the played just rock. For me, this system has become indicative at the exhibition in the sense that such structures and systems are not required to paint, and can just sound great on a variety of music.”

Victor Gorbatov at


“… monumental horn speaker Avaton, which are reminiscent of historic Western Electric, but are in full tonal sound and even chamber music touchingly realistic play.”


“Among the systems that I liked the most this year …”

José Manuel Delgado  at HiFiLive magazine


“This system stole the show for me at last years High End in Munich leaving me in tears – in a good way, though. The system was pretty much as last years and was just as stunning.”

HiFi Pig


“The sound was effortless, emerging naturally from a huge soundstage, which was evident even far outside the sweet spot. These huge horns completely disappeared in the room. A very impressive system.”


Best of show


Munich HiEnd show 2019
Munich HiEnd show 2018

“I was listening with David Chesky, to a recording made by David Chesky, of a piano played by David Chesky; and we were both looking at each other, shaking our heads. When it was over, we both agreed, this was closest any loudspeaker ever got to reproducing the density and presence of a real piano. I left the room in tears from the experience.”

Herb Reichert @ Stereophile


“After just a minute of listening I asked myself, “What is this? What am I hearing?” STOP THE PRESSES!!! This was an Oh My God sonic revelation!”

AVATON in the best of show systems “Biggest pleasant surprise!”

Ron Resnick @ MONO and STEREO high end magazine


Most Emotional Experience

“Our connection with music should be emotional, it should move you in some way whether that’s to make you smile, laugh or cry…if it touches you then it’s good. To me, the mark of great Hifi is if it just gives you that connection to the music. Hands down the most emotional connection that we…and many others felt, was in the Tune Audio room. Partnered with Traformatic Audio and Skogrand Cables, the huge Tune Avaton horns that Manolis Proestakis makes sounded sublime. The music that they played was performed by Manolis’s wife, recorded just before they set of for the show. It was a piece by Chopin and, even though I am not a fan of classical, the piano playing was so emotional and moving, it was just beautiful, it brought tears to our eyes. Great job by the whole team involved with this room..this is what Hifi should be about.”

Linette Smith @ HifiPig


“Among the systems that sounded best … Tune Audio room with Trafomatic and Audiobyte.”

Jose Manuel Delgado Mendoza @ HIFIlive!


“… when we add the ease and spaciousness of the music playing, it turns out that when we have the right room, the dream of a music lover who is in love with the tubes, a true cloud nine moment, thanks to this configuration, can come true.”

Jacek Pazio @ SoundRebels


We would like to congratulate Tune Audio with partners from Trafomatic Audio, Rockna Audio and Skogrand Cables for winning our Cupiditas award for the most desired system during the 2018 High End Society Munich show.

Munich HiEnd show 2018
Munich HiEnd show 2017

“Eye Candy Galore! “What the F+%$!!” says John as we scrolled into this suite! “Yep, my dear friend, this is what High End Munich is all about” I replied. Not just outlandish but CRAZY looking and good sounding in every way imaginable! Crazy good is exactly how I’d describe both the look and sound of Tune Audio’s 3-way Avaton horned loudspeakers…”

“Tune Audio – one of the more original and intriguing visual and sound systems. ”

“The system as a whole was hugely dynamic and definitely in the top five rooms of the show …”

” … the new Avaton three way horns are even more gigantic and the sound the sound was fantastic and incredibly dynamic…really a case of the actual listening experience matching up to the visual impact of the system…”

“On the way to Tune Audio, whose horns represent a personal highlight every year … already with the first notes I sink into bliss in the second row of chairs – voices, especially women’s voices can hardly make a horn better.”

“I felt like I was in candy store. Everything looked colourful, mouthwatering, and sugary… the sound was also drawing me into the sweet spot for an extended listening session. Another room of horn delights was having it’s way with me at High End in Munich. This time it was Tune Audio who was demoing the premier of the gorgeous three-way, horn-loaded Avaton loudspeaker …”


Munich HiEnd show 2017
Munich HiEnd show 2016

“A spectacle in all senses, and for all senses. Loved it — and all very well done.”
Part Time Audiophile

“The Trafomatic Audio Elysium amps, Tune Audio Amina & Rockna Wavedream made lovely, natural big sounds at MOC 2016. It was playing Nat King Cole & the Star Wars sound track as I sat there, mesmerized by the vocal performance and thrilled by the cinematic dynamics of the John Williams composition. Certainly up there with all the Best Sound of Show at MOC 2016!”

“The Tune Audio Anima room is a perennial favorite of mine at the Munich show, as they rarely fail to deliver less than really good sound. They also …”
Positive Feedback

“Some large systems with Tune Audio speakers pavilions that makes us enter a new acoustic dimension, these pavilions give back life to the trumpet of Miles Grand. natural that reinvents itself, the sound stage is just breathtaking.”
République du Son!

“And the sound? Tube only in wood. Receive similar to the appearance of a very interesting, but rather for connoisseurs.”

“One cannot make up one’s mind whether to look or listen. Does it sound good because it all looks so exotic and warm? Musical, relaxed, easy on the ear and eye-catching, indeed. Unless I was hypnotized by the tube glow, my notes read A.”

“Where price really was no issue, the Trafomatic/Tune Audio room was the best way to go.”

“In Tune Audio, a sound spectacle still vibrant and grandiose.”

“Tune Audio Anima horn loudspeaker wet an audiophile’s dream of audio nirvana. Well, horn speakers may not suit everyone’s taste (that I do agree), but this set up is a dreamer’s dream. The sound is mesmerizing, seductive and easily assimilative. Yes, the tones and bells were surreal enough that you will ask the question, are you serious?! They are that great even at show condition…I enjoyed them 3 times
Mono & Stereo

“The rather fascinating-looking and sounding system was …”

“One of the absolute highlights of the show for me with my only regret being I couldn’t stay longer and enjoy.”

Munich HiEnd show 2016
Munich HiEnd show 2015
Tune Audio with its horn system Anima is already an old acquaintance of the fair in Munich, but this time the reference presentation relates more to the great stricken partner Mood Wright accompanied by the sound system was emphasized faster, more transparent and with much more discipline.


They don’t come much bigger or hornier than the Tune Audio Anima loudspeakers, they have sounded amazing whenever we have heard them but this year, paired with Modwright electronics,  Skogrand cables and a VPI turntable they were very special…yes they are big, but why not if you have the room!


Dynamics, scale and sheer musicality were the order of the day in this room.


The system had wonderful harmonics with all the big dynamics one expects from a properly done horn system. I really enjoyed my time within this room and of course VPI turntables are making their presence known at all the shows around the world.


ModWright collaborated again with Tune Audio and also VPI. The Greek hornspeakers benefited from newly designed tower subwoofers. Dan Wright had brought both phono and digital to support a VPI table and streaming MacBook. During my second visit on Saturday, the sound here was very good and actually eclipsed last year’s. These Tune Audio horns are fantastic. So are these electronics.
Munich HiEnd show 2015
Munich HiEnd show 2014
Amazon / ModWright / Signal Projects / Tune Audio
If someone little tub, go ahead – Tune Auio Anima supported, by the horn subwoofer driven by Pulse famous for its musicality and recognizable design electronics Mod Wrigta could shake half of the exhibition. Apparently KWA 150 Signature does not belong to giants, but with the columns of the effectiveness of 109 dB when you turn on the AC / DC converter generates offered truly stadium volume levels and perhaps only by “marine ropes” Signal Projects system did not remove himself from the ground. Word Avantgarde are worthy opponent and considering that the aforementioned. system offered not only hellish power, but finesse, the result of such a duel would many a surprise.



It’s likely that the massive ModWright transistor amp overdamped his light-membrane drivers with their powerful motors a bit. Knowing what the Anima were capable of, I wasn’t troubled. This still was very fine musical and very meaty sound like Boenicke and soundkaos, simply scaled up for a bigger space. It only lacked ultimate resolution and airiness (i.e. some ‘hifi sound’ qualities which one ultimately hopes to clone atop the mandatory musical foundation of tone mass and dynamics). Dan Wright’s gear of course was dead quiet into these noise-tracking transducers to credit his consummate design chops.


Tune-Audio is your Anima horns, and Pulse Subwoofer very successfully weaves with ModWright Instruments electronics. Speed, openness and frightening natural stage adorned sound. Certainly the best edition of Anima that I have had the opportunity to experience.

Munich HiEnd show 2014
Munich HiEnd show 2013

Relatively new to me were the 32k Tune Audio Anima horn-loaded loudspeakers driven by the Lars II amp. The Animas were coupled to a huge  15k downward-firing, horn-loaded Anima subwoofer that blended very well with the main speakers. The system sounded fantastic on concert grand – very natural with superb timbre and scale. It was also sensational on trumpet, choir, and organ. Indeed, the new Avantgardes aside (I couldn’t get in to hear them – the room was that crowded!), these may be the best horn speaker I’ve ever heard! They were certainly BOS contenders.
The Absolute Sound – Jonathan Valin


…was in my opinion one of the most interesting alliances of the show.
6moons – Joel Chevassus


One of the standout rooms for me. The sound in the room was very impressive indeed being deep, controlled and insightful and “sweet” with solo instruments  my notes say beautiful! Definitely a sound I could live with…
HiFi Pig


A sound massive, large, grand …”


I was very impressed with the sound of Tune Audio’s Anima (32k), three way fully horn loaded loudspeakers from Greece; they produced an open, dynamic and uncompressed sound that was naturally presented much like live music.
Stereo Times – Kim Ken video

Munich HiEnd show 2013
Prime review – 6moons

It legitimizes the lone driver with rear horn-loading and higher efficiency by stripping away valid complaints. With that it renews promise and modernizes relevance. An award is in order as is a standing ovation…
6moons – Srajan Ebaen

Prime review – 6moons
Munich HiEnd show 2012

Best Sound
HiFidelity – Wojciech Pacula


Eye Candy! The highly efficient Tune Audio Anima horn loudspeakers (109 dB) of Greece, and their new actively driven sub nicknamed the “Pulse” were driven by a pair of Aries Cerat huge mono amps to impressive results. No, I didn’t get the chance to listen at length this year due to this room being so overly busy. But from the short time spent, I could tell there was a lot to like in these outlandishly designed components.
Stereo Times – Clement Perry

Munich HiEnd show 2012
Munich HiEnd show 2011

Tune Audio showed their Anima 3-way horns with active Pulse horn-loaded subwoofer. Electronics were by Aries Cerat. This was my favorite system by far. It was wildly impractical and desirous of space and funds I don’t have of course. But that’s the fun of attending shows. One makes encounters of the 4th kind which, though short-lived, confirm what’s achievable to reset personal goals at home. I’d been impressed with Tune Audio already at their first showing during the Athen hifi show. In a rather larger space in Munich this first impression merely compounded. Best Sound of the Show? From what I heard -which was a small fraction- absolutely.
6moons – Srajan Ebaen


I’ve auditioned the Aries Cerat Exsequor Reference tube amplifier paring with Tuneaudio horn speakers; the sound is extreme clean, transparent and dynamic.
6moons – Joel Chevassus


Another of our favorite heart. Strength. Matter, grain rendering.


Tune Audio horn and electronic Cerat Aries: the Palme d’Or in the presentation esoteric, but also for musical performances of the highest quality.


Tune Audio Anima horn (right) combined with Aries Cerat amplification was entirely beside the best in the show.


#1 best sound of the show
Sound & Vision #459

Munich HiEnd show 2011
Munich HiEnd show 2010

The Anima from Greek manufacturer Tune Audio driven by Cosmos tube amps from the same stable, managed to overcome many of the limitations of its location to make very agreeable sounds. The Anima claimed to be mechanically time-aligned, certainly sounded more coherent than many.
Stereophile August 2010 – Markus Sauer

Munich HiEnd show 2010
Athens HiEnd show 2010

In my opinion was the best sound of the show.
HiTech #165 – Paris Kotsis